PARK LOCK Brooklyn - Folding Round Lock High Security - 3mm Hardened Steel Zinc Body ABS Housing

Buyer information

First service is free with every Electric Bike or Electric Scooter purchase. 300km or 6-8 weeks.

*Each state and territory in Australia has a different set of rules and regulations pertaining to the usage of e-Scooters / E-Bikes or E-Motos (including where these types of products can legally be used and whether they need to be registered with the relevant road traffic authority). It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that they check and abide by their local laws and use responsibly.

Eazybikes Australia do not take any responsibility for the use of eScooters/E-Bike or E-motos in Australia. Have fun but ride with caution and always wear a helmet.

The Brooklyn offers a secure anti-theft lock with a hardened steel panel covered in ABS. The Anti-Scratch design prevents bike frames from marks and scratches. It also features solid rivet protection and smooth pivot motion. 

  • Convenient push-to-lock  design
  • Chain-like compact folding hamburg lock
  • Anti-scratch design to protect frame from scratches
  • Includes 2 keys and frame bracket

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